Blue Carbon Initiative
A global initiative working on conservation and restoration of important marine carbon sinks
This international initiative represents a globally coordinated program focused on restoration and conservation efforts in coastal areas and maritime ecosystems.
Blue is a buzzword which essentially replaces “green” for any coastal or ocean initiatives in the world of sustainability. ‘Blue carbon’ refers to carbon stored in the ocean and coastal ecosystems. This accounts for a huge amount of stored carbon - the Ocean is the world's largest carbon sink. This group focuses on the conservation of essential components to this carbon sink such as marshes, seagrass, and mangroves.
The initiative is widespread: their efforts operate on every continent other than Antarctica.
When degraded, these ecosystems emit their stored carbon back into the atmosphere. It is estimated that degrading maritime ecosystems are responsible for ~ 1B tonnes of CO2 emissions per year.
Through research, policy change and action lead projects, the BlueCarbonInitiative seek to protect these crucial systems, and restore those which are degrading.
Want to learn more?
They have a library of research available to read here
Their team of scientists
Dr. Emily Pidgeon, Senior Director of Strategic Marine Initiatives, Conservation International
Dr. Jennifer Howard, Marine Climate Change Director, Conservation International
Ms. Dorothee Herr, Marine Program Officer
International Union for Conservation of Nature
Dr. Kirsten Isensee, Project Specialist – Ocean Carbon
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the United Nations Educational, Social, and Cultural Organization
Sources: all information and images from:
BlueCarbonInitiative. The Blue Carbon Initiative, https://www.thebluecarboninitiative.org/.
Restoration of degrading ecosystems
Research Department & policy change group