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Meditation in Forest


Known as one of few 'Carbon Negative' countries, Bhutan has impressed governments worldwide for their capability of sequestering millions of tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere every year while still supporting economic growth.

Carbon negative is a descriptive word which describes something as sequestering or removing more carbon than it emits.

Bhutan is well known as one of the happiest places in the world. As a tourist destination, it is regarded highly for its deeply rich and in tact culture & heritage, beautiful mountains and spiritual temples.

The local government bases its political decision making on a scale measuring happiness over economic growth, called the Gross National Happiness Index. It is the first country on earth to adopt this approach and has emerged as a dark horse in political and environmental progression.

The residents and government of Bhutan have a deep respect for the natural environment in which they live: 70% of the land surface area of Bhutan is covered in trees, which are responsible for the sequestration of carbon in the local area. In fact forests in Bhutan are estimated to have the capability of sequestering millions of tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere every year.

Furthermore they are exporting large amounts of hydroelectric power to other countries, further contributing to the use of renewable energy. An image of one of their hydroelectric facilities can be seen to the right.

Check out this youtube travel video which includes an interview with the previous prime minister of Bhutan:

Below are the leaders of Bhutan; Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and Lotay Tshering

King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck

Prime minister Lotay Tshering

Visit their council of tourism website


Population 771,612

17 million tonnes of CO2 offset by exported green energy

Project Gallery


Bhutan is situated between China and India



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