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Scientific reseach  -  A call to action

"Recent surveys show that among individuals who are concerned about the environment, the most common associated emotional feeling is one of helplessness"
Nicholas, et al. (2017) found that helplessness acted as a barrier to pro-environmental behavior in individuals who are concerned about the climate.

Landry, Nicholas, et al. “Learned Helplessness Moderates the Relationship between Environmental Concern and Behavior.” Journal of Environmental Psychology, Academic Press, 8 Dec. 2017, Link

"Optimistic environmental messaging heightens one’s sense of optimism temporarily, which then promotes behaving in an ecologically conscious way, as well as being aware and supportive of climate abating technologies... (however) optimistic environmental messaging has been declining since the early 1970s." 
Therefore it is "important to increase focus and coverage on positive steps being taken toward bettering our climate". 

MacKinnon, Megan, et al. “Optimistic Environmental Messaging Increases State Optimism and in Vivo pro-Environmental Behavior.” Frontiers, Frontiers, 1 Jan. 1AD, 

In order for individuals to act they must: 

1) Understand the issue
3) Overcome related feelings of helplessness
3) Learn about how they can help 


Let's build a society motivated to enact meaningful change in their lives through spreading awareness while cultivating hope and ambition.

Our solution

BiodGRADable is an inspiring virtual space that is rethinking the way the climate change narrative is being told.  We provide bite-size educational articles on technology & companies that are innovating in the sustainability space. The projects showcased by us are based on careful market research reflecting the core values of those passionate to make a real difference. 

Career page directories enable users to learn about the career prospects of the projects that most interest them with one click of a button. 


The 'connect' section is a space in which users can interact and network with like-minded individuals, share ideas, and participate in discussions. We aim to build a community of those who want to take action through their careers. 

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