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Climate [Impact] Newsletter

The high-impact newsletter: Once per month, re-energize yourself with some solutions-based optimism ⚡️🌍

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Climate news 🌍

Impactful Internships 🧑🏽‍💻
Jargon buster 🤔 - demystifying terminology
Climate solutions ⚡️- Some key actors fighting climate change

Video Content 📹

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Prior Issues 

an image that juxtaposes the contrasting visions of a green, futuristic eco-city thriving

November 2023 

This month: Stockholm leads the way to a regenerative future, announcing a bold new policy that targets emission sources, while Shell continues to mislead the public.

Demystifying 'carbon sinks''

Emissions reduction solutions

News: A victory for youth environmental rights

October 2023

Our goal: keep you in the loop of relevant climate news, while painting a brighter future of how our world can look. 


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By students, for students

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